HOBBY -PASIUNI : I like beautiful people created : Handmade, painting, photography, architecture, music, wonderful places in the world , food, garden!
miercuri, 12 august 2015
ZODIAC ORIENTAL - oriental zodiac ! Zodia Calului-HORSE (Anii: 1906; 1918; 1930; 1942; 1954; 1966; 1978; 1990; 2002; 2014; 2026)
Viziunea astrologica orientala este fascinanta. Are reverberatii ce ne poarta cu gandul departe in Orientul Indepartat, descriind arhetipuri prezente in acea lume, dar si in fiecare dintre noi
Eastern astrology is fascinating vision. He harks we reverberations far in the Far East, describing archetypes present in the world, but also in each of us
Zodia Calului (Anii: 1906; 1918; 1930; 1942; 1954; 1966; 1978; 1990; 2002; 2014; 2026)
Persoanele nascute in aceasta zodie au un character vessel, energic si o constitutie atletica. Au un suflet cuprinzator si multa deschidere fata de oameni pe care incearca sa ii ajute in diverse moduri. De asemenea, acesti oameni frumosi incearca sa resolve problemele cu mult tact si cu atentie fata de multiplele fatete ale unei probleme.
Zodiac Horse (Years: 1906; 1918; 1930; 1942; 1954; 1966; 1978; 1990; 2002; 2014; 2026)
People born in this sign have a vessel character, energetic and athletic. They have a soul comprehensive and openness towards people they are trying to help in various ways. Also, these beautiful people trying to resolve issues tactfully and carefully to the many facets of a problem.