
Floriile sau Duminica Floriilor marcheaza ultima duminica dinaintea Invierii Domnului. Aceasta sarbatoare reprezinta intrarea triumfala a Mantuitorului nostru Iisus Hristos in Ierusalim, unde Domnul nostru a fost intampinat de o sumedenie de credinciosi care tineau in maini rami de finic. Aceasta sarbatoare este una dintre cele mai importante sarbatori din an, reprezentand singura data cand Mantuitorul a acceptat sa fie aclamat ca imparat.
Palm Sunday or Palm Sunday marks the last Sunday before Resurrection. This holiday represents the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ our Saviour in Jerusalem where our Lord was greeted by a lot of believers who were holding hands palm rami. This holiday is one of the most important holidays of the year, representing only time the Savior has agreed to be acclaimed as king.


Conform profetiilor prezente in Vechiul Testament, Iisus isi pregateste singur intrarea ca sa fie recunoscut ca fiind Mesia, dupa cum insusi Legea spunea. Mantuitorul este aclamat de o sumedenie de credinciosi care aveau in maini ramuri de maslin si de finic. Acestia, vazandu-L, au inceput sa strige: „Osana! Bine este cuvantat Cel ce vine intru numele Domnului.” Credinciosii rosteau aceste cuvinte deoarece simteau ca Dumnezeu s-a pogorat din Ceruri si a venit pe pamant pentru a-i mantui.
According to the present prophecies in the Old Testament, Jesus is preparing its own entry to be recognized as the Messiah, as the Law itself says. Savior is acclaimed by a large number of believers who were in their hands olive branches and palm. They saw him, they cried out: "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of God. "Believers uttered these words because it felt that God was descended from heaven and came to earth to save them.

Toate aceste aspecte au fost mentionate pentru prima oara in secolul al IV-lea de catre Sfantui Epifanie, caruia i-au fost atribuite doua predici la aceasta sarbatoare, si pelerina apuseana Egeria, care descrie aceasta sarbatoare in insemnarile ei de calatorie. Aceasta descrie modul in care era celebrata aceasta sarbatoare. In acea perioada, Duminica Floriilor era cunoscuta sub numele de Duminica aspirantilor sau candidatilor la botez. I-a fost atribuita acest nume datorita faptului ca, cei care urmau sa mearga cu mare solemnitate la episcop sa ii ceara binecuvantarea de a lua parte la botez, trebuiau sa invete Simbolul credintei (Crezul). De asemenea, Duminica Floriilor a mai fost cunoscuta si sub numele de duminica gratierilor deoarece, imparatii ofereau gratieri ca un mod de a cinsti aceasta sarbatoare importanta.
All these aspects have been mentioned for the first time in the fourth century by St. Epiphany whom were assigned to two sermons on this feast, and Egeria western cape, which describes this event in her memoirs travel. It describes how this holiday was celebrated. At the time, it was known as Palm Sunday Sunday aspirants or candidates for baptism. I was assigned this name because those who were to go with great solemnity the bishop to ask for the blessing to take part in baptism, had to learn Symbol of Faith (Creed). Also Palm Sunday has been known as Sunday pardon since pardon kings offered as a way to honor this important holiday.

In zilele noastre, oamenii obisnuiesc sa mearga la biserica cu prilejul acestei sarbatori pentru a sfinti crengi de salcie care urmeaza sa fie puse la usi, geamuri sau chiar la porti. Motivul pentru care credinciosii fac acest lucru are de-a face cu credinta lor ca astfel sunt aparati de boli si apara casele credinciosilor de evenimente rele. Din seara de duminica, bisericile incep sa savarseasca slujbe numite denii. In aceste slujbe putem regasi toate momentele remarcabile din viata Mantuitorului nostu de la intrarea Acestuia in Ierusalim si pana la Invierea Sa din morti.
Nu in ultimul rand, ziua de Florii reprezinta si ultima saptamana a Postului Pastilor sau Saptamana Patimilor, timp in care crestinii fac pregatiri pentru intampinarea marii sarbatori a Invierii Domnului nostru Iisus Hristos.
Nowadays, people use to go to church to celebrate the occasion of this holy willow branches to be made doors, windows or gates. Why believers do this has to do with their belief that such diseases are protected by defending believers' homes and bad events. Sunday evening, the churches begin to commit called Denii jobs. In these jobs you can find all the remarkable moments in the life of the Savior in our place and its entry into Jerusalem to the Resurrection from the dead.
Last but not least, on Palm Sunday represents the last week of Lent and Holy Week, during which Christians make preparations to meet the great holiday of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.