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Caracteristici generale ale Poinsettiei
General characteristics of Poinsettiei
Craciunita isi are originea in America Centrala. Numele sau stiintific este Euphorbia pulcherrima, care in traducere inseamna "foarte frumoasa". Acest fapt este neindoielnic, avand in vedere culoarea rosie pe care o au frunzele din partea superioara a tulpinii, cunoscute sub denumirea de "bractee". Din acest motiv, ele sunt adesea confundante cu florile. In cazul altor specii, aceste bractee pot fi colorate in orange, roz, verde deschis sau alb. Celelalte frunze ale plantei sunt colorate in verde intens, iar tulpina poate masura de la 60 de centimetri inaltime, asa cum se intampla cu Poinsettia de apartament, pana la patru metri inaltime.
Aztecii numeau craciunita Cuetlaxochitl si o foloseau atat in scop medical, pentru efectul sau antitermic, cat si in scopuri ce tineau de gospodarie, extragand din planta un pigment cu care vopseau materialele textile.
Craciunita originated in Central America. Euphorbia pulcherrima is the scientific name, which means "beautiful". This is undoubtedly, since they have red leaves at the top of the stem, known as "bracts". For this reason, they are often mistaken for flowers. In other species, the bracts are colored in orange, pink, green or white. The other plant leaves are deep green colored and can measure strain at 60 inches tall, as happens with Poinsettia apartment, up to four meters high.
The Aztecs called poinsettia Cuetlaxochitl and used it both for medical purposes, for anti-pyretic effect, and for purposes pertaining to the household, extracting the plant pigment that painted textiles.
Sfaturi privitoare la ingrijirea craciunitei
Tips to care Poinsettiei !
Atunci cand achizitionezi o craciunita, trebuie sa ai in vedere cateva aspecte extrem de importante. Asadar, in ceea ce priveste cantitatea de lumina de care are nevoie aceasta planta, este important ca ghiveciul sa fie plasat langa o fereastra. Pentru ca Poinsettia are origini tropicale, ea este iubitoare de soare.
Temperatura din camera trebuie sa fie situata in intervalul 20-23 de grade Celsius. Ai grija ca frunzele craciunitei sa nu fie expuse curentilor de aer si sa nu atinga geamul rece, daca o lasi iarna langa pervaz. In caz contrar, planta isi va pierde frunzele.
Poinsettia trebuie udata atunci cand observi ca pamantul este uscat. Cantitatea de apa este suficienta in momentul in care din ghiveci incepe sa se scurga in farfuriuta de sub acesta. Arunca apa scursa, pentru ca umezeala in exces este daunatoare pentru craciunita.
In ceea ce priveste schimbarea vasului plantei, cea mai indicata perioada pentru acest procedeu este primavara, in luna mai.
When purchasing a poinsettia, you need to consider some extremely important issues. So, in terms of the amount of light needed by this plant, it is important that the pot to be placed near a window. Because Poinsettia tropical origins, she is loving the sun.
The temperature in the room must be located in the range 20-23 degrees Celsius. Watch as leaves craciunitei not be exposed to drafts, do not touch the cold glass, if you let the ledge next winter. Otherwise, the plant loses its leaves.
Poinsettia be watered when the soil is dry notice. The amount of water is sufficient when the pot starts to flow saucer beneath it. Throw water drained for excess moisture is harmful for Christmas.
Regarding changing the plant pot, the most appropriate time for this process is spring, in May.
La inceputul lui iunie craciunita poate fi scoasa afara, daca locuiesti la casa sau daca ai un balcon luminos si aerisit.
Poisettia este o planta care necesita o perioada de refacere anuala pentru a inflori, iar tratamentul cel mai indicat in acest sens consta in blocarea luminii intre orele 17:00 dupa-amiaza si 8 dimineata, cu ajutorul unei cutii opace, vreme de zece saptamani. In restul zilei planta trebuie sa beneficieze de cat mai multa lumina.
Daca vei tine cont de aceste sfaturi privitoare la ingrijirea craciunitei, te vei putea bucura tot anul de planta achizitionata in acesta perioada. Coloritul deosebit al frunzelor ei va inveseli atmosfera si te va binedispune.
At the beginning of June poinsettia can be taken out, if you live at home or if you have a bright and airy balcony.
Poisettia is a plant that requires annual recovery period to bloom, and the most appropriate treatment in this respect consists in blocking light afternoon between 17:00 and 8 am, with an opaque boxes for ten weeks. The rest of the day the plant must receive more light.
If you keep these tips in mind to care craciunitei, you will enjoy all year plant acquired during this period. The color of the leaves they will cheer special atmosphere and will entertain you.