Prin acumularea si transmiterea de energie, cristalele ajuta la realizarea unei armonii între trup, minte si suflet. Ele au fost adesea folosite pentru efectele lor curative, protectoare si energizante, înca din timpuri stravechi. Ajuta la reechilibrarea energiei, la calmare, sporesc creativitatea, protejeaza, redau buna dispozitie, reduc starile de anxietate si au efecte benefice asupra organelor interne.
By accumulating and transmitting energy, crystals help achieve a harmony between body, mind and soul. They have often been used for their curative, protective and energizing effects since ancient times. Helps rebalance energy, soothe, increase creativity, protect, restore mood, reduce anxiety, and have beneficial effects on internal organs.

Diamantul este piatra pretioasa ce contracareaza energiile negative si aduce stralucire si serenitate in viata celui care il poarta drept amuleta, cu credinta nestramutata in puterile acestuia. Pretiosul mineral este asociat si perseverentei datorita duritatii sale fizice care il face dificil de prelucrat si slefuit. Din punct de vedere estetic, diamantul este un simbol al puritatii si al luminii, o dovada de extravaganta eleganta si finete. De aceea, bijuteriile decorate cu diamant se potrivesc de minune unei femei pozitive si care refuza vulnerabilitatea.
Diamond is the precious stone that counteracts the negative energies and brings brilliance and serenity to the life of the one who carries it as an amulet, with unswerving faith in its powers. The precious mineral is also associated with perseverance because of its physical hardness which makes it difficult to process and sand. From aesthetic point of view, diamond is a symbol of purity and light, a proof of elegant and fine extravagance. That's why diamond-trimmed jewelery fits wonderfully to a positive woman and refuses vulnerability.

Safirul in sens simbolic, este o materializare a dragostei pure, a sinceritatii, a loialitatii si adevarului, desi nuanta electrizanta poate inspira putere, curaj si indrazneala. Safirul are puterea de a atrage prosperitatea, bunastarea, linistea si de a implini dorintele. In ceea ce priveste expresia stilistica a acestei pietre pretioase, de remarcat este echilibrul ideal intre indrazneala culorii si rafinamentul acesteia.
Sapphire in a symbolic sense is an embodiment of pure love, sincerity, loyalty, and truth, though the electrifying nuance can inspire power, courage and boldness. Saphir has the power to attract prosperity, well-being, peace and fulfillment of desires. Regarding the stylistic expression of this precious stones, it is the ideal balance between the boldness and refinement of the color.

Rubinul este simbol al intelepciunii spirituale, al curajului izvorat din inocenta si al unei forte naturale de neinvins Este considertat o piatra aducatoare de fericire si armonie. Culoarea intensa a rubinului il recomanda drept o expresie a frumusetii si a pasiunii, motiv pentru care este ideal pentru decorarea bijuteriilor daruite femeilor in cele mai frumoase momente ale vietii lor.
Ruby is a symbol of spiritual wisdom, courage from innocence and a natural unbeatable force. It is considered to be a stone of happiness and harmony. The intense ruby color recommends it as an expression of beauty and passion, which is why it is ideal for decorating the jewels given to women in the most beautiful moments of their life.

Ametistul este o piatra semipretioasa care te ajuta sa iti restabilesti echilibrul fizic si spiritual. Amestistul este considerat simbolul spiritualitatii si al multumirii interioare, avand un efect calmant asupra agitatiei fizice si psihice. Se spune ca persoanele care poarta aceasta piatra semipretioasa si ii cunosc proprietatile reusesc sa atinga armonia spirituala si sa aiba control absolut asupra gandurilor si emotiilor. Din punct de vedere estetic, amestistul este o expresie a elegantei si a sobrietatii, caracteristici specifice, de altfel, nuantei de mov royal regasita si sclipirea delicatului mineral.
Amethyst is a semiprecious stone that helps you to restore your physical and spiritual balance. Amestist is considered the symbol of spirituality and inner gratitude, having a calming effect on physical and psychic agitation. It is said that people who wear this semiprecious stone and know its properties manage to achieve spiritual harmony and have absolute control over thoughts and emotions. From aesthetic point of view, the amistast is an expression of elegance and sobriety, specific features of the royal purple hue and the sparkle of the mineral delicate.

Simbol stravechi al dragostei si al virtutii, se crede ca jadul este o piatra cu deosebite proprietati vindecatoare, mai ales in cazul afectiunilor de rinichi, ficat, splina si tiroida. Jadul este considerata piatra norocului pentru persoanele nascute in zodia Fecioarei si a fost purtat inca din cele mai vechi timpuri drept amuleta impotriva bolilor si a energiilor negative. Iti recomandam bijuterii cu jad deoarece aceasta lucratura maiastra a naturii poarta simbolul imortalitatii, al puterii si al armoniei.
An ancient symbol of love and virtue, it is believed that jade is a stone with special healing properties, especially in the case of kidney, liver, spleen and thyroid diseases. Jade is considered the fortune for people born to the Virgo and has been worn since ancient times as an amulet against diseases and negative energies. We recommend jewelery with jade, because this nature man's work carries the symbol of immortality, power and harmony.

Zirconiile sunt pietre pretioase ce impresioneaza prin finete si delicatete, cu straluciri indraznete asemanatoare diamantelor. Zirconiile poarta semnificatii profunde, precum: respect, incredere, intelepciune si este un excelent scut impotriva geloziei si a conflictelor izvorate din neincredere. Inteleptii Evului Mediu credeau ca persoanele care primesc in dar aceasta piatra semipretioasa vor avea parte de liniste, iar frumusetea lor va inflori.
Zirconia are precious stones that impress with fine and delicate, with bold diamond-like brilliance. Zirconia carries profound meanings, such as respect, trust, wisdom, and is an excellent shield against jealousy and mistrusting conflicts. The wise men of the Middle Ages believed that those who receive this semi-precious stone will have peace, and their beauty will flourish.

Turcoazul este o piatra semipretioasa ce poarta culoarea oceanelor si a apelor limpezi din destinatiile exotice. Este o expresie a prosperitatii, a tineretii vesnice, a fericirii si a dragostei neconditionate si sincere. In ceea ce priveste proprietatile curative, turcoazul este considerat un centru de energie si echilibru, menit sa imbunatateasca tonusul intregului corp. De asemenea, se spune ca turcoazul este cea mai veche piatra pretioasa descoperita, in numeroase culturi fiind un simbol al prieteniei sincere si a norocului.
Turquoise is a semiprecious stone that carries the color of oceans and clear waters from exotic destinations. It is an expression of prosperity, eternal youth, happiness and unconditional and sincere love. In terms of curative properties, turquoise is considered a center of energy and balance, designed to improve the tone of the whole body. It is also said that turquoise is the oldest valuable stone discovered, in many cultures being a symbol of sincere friendship and luck.

Agatele numite si "pietrele protectiei", sunt minerale considerate un aliat de nadejde pentru persoanele care fac fata cu greu schimbarilor. Totodata, agatul iti ofera protectie impotriva cosmarurilor, iti reda linistea interioara si tine departe stresul si starile de tensiune. Din punct de vedere estetic, datorita aspectului sidefat, agatul este corelat cu emotiile delicate, cu dragostea sincera si cu frumusetea pura si longeviva a naturii. Poarta bijuterii decorate cu agat daca vrei sa tii la distanta bolile, sa ai mereu o stare de spirit impecabila si sa debordezi de energie si optimism.
Agates called "protection stones" are minerals considered to be a hopeful ally for people who are hard on the shifts. At the same time, agate offers protection against nightmares, gives you inner peace and keeps stress and stress. From an aesthetic point of view, because of its pearly appearance, agate is correlated with delicate emotions, with sincere love and pure beauty and longevity of nature. Door jewelry decorated with agate if you want to keep distant diseases, to always have a state of mind impeccable and to degrade energy and optimism.

Opalul este o piatra semipretioasa ce amplifica emotiile pozitive si stimuleaza creativitatea si spontaneitatea. De asemenea, opalul este o piatra ce protejeaza si echilibrul cuplului, deoarece radiaza speranta, incredere, fericire, inocenta si tandrete. Desi aspectul delicat si aparent firav ar putea fi asociat doar notelor delicate si tandre, in esenta opalul este si un izvor de pasiune, erotism si dorinta ce au la baza sentimente de dragoste profunde. Opalul pare sa fie un accesoriu ideal bijuteriile unei femei indraznete si increzatoare.
Opal is a semiprecious stone that amplifies positive emotions and stimulates creativity and spontaneity. Also, opal is a stone that protects and balances the couple because it radiates hope, trust, happiness, innocence and tenderness. Although the delicate and seemingly fierce appearance may be associated only with delicate and tender notes, essentially the opal is also a source of passion, eroticism and desire based on deep feelings of love. Opal seems to be an ideal accessory for the jewels of a bold and confident woman.