
Martisorul este poate, cea mai populara, mai autentica si mai frumoasa, sarbatoare laica a romanilor. Martisorul ne aduce in fiecare an Primavara, ne face sa zambim si sa ne daruim cadouri frumoase.
Martisorul is perhaps the most popular, most authentic and most beautiful, secular celebration in Romania. Martisorul Spring brings us every year, we are to give ourselves to smile and beautiful gifts
In fiecare dimineata de 1 Martie, bunica ne striga si noi alergam repede, pentru ca stiam ca ne va lega la mana ata cu fir alb-rosu. Si ne spunea ca acest fir ne va proteja pe parcursul intregii luni, de spiritele rele.
Povestea spune ca, intr-o zi, Soarele a coborit intr-un sat de la ses, s-a preschimbat in fecior si a vrut sa meraga la hora. Un zmeu l-a pandit si, profitand de aceasta situatie, l-a rapit dintre oameni si l-a aruncat intr-o temnita rece. O iarna nemaipomenita s-a lasat atunci peste intreg tinutul. Pasarile se intristasera, copiii nu mai radeau, totul era intunecat si lipsit de speranta. Si nimeni, dar absolut nimeni nu indraznea sa meraga la marea batalie cu Zmeul cel rau care furase soarele.
Every morning of March 1, Grandma cried and we ran quickly because I knew that thread will bind us hand with red and white thread. And he said that this wire will protect us throughout the months of evil spirits.
The story goes that one day, the sun was in a village on the plain, was changed into a boy and wanted to head out to dance. A kite him a pandit and taking advantage of this situation, it has abducted between people and threw him in a dungeon cold. An amazing winter was then left over the entire region. The birds intristasera children no longer laughing, everything was dark and hopeless. And nobody, absolutely nobody dared to head out to sea battle with the evil one who had stolen the sun kite.

Pana intr-o zi cand, un tanar fecior de taran si-a luat inima in dinti si a promis ca va merge sa slaveze el pe Soare, din temnita Zmeului fioros. Pamantenii si toata natura care plangea i-au dat din puterile lor tanarului, ca acesta sa aiba forta necesara pentru a-l invinge pe Zmeu.
Until one day when a young peasant lad and he took the chance and promised that he would go to glory on Sun, dungeon dragon fierce. Earthlings and all that nature gave him crying, of their young, that he have the strength needed to defeat the kite.
Drumul lui peste mari si tari a durat trei anotimpuri: vara, toamna si iarna. Gasind castelul Zmeului, „David” al nostru nu s-a lasat intimidat de furtuna naprasnica pe care dusmanul o pornise asupra sa. S-a luptat cu Zmeul trei zile si trei nopti si, in zorii celei de-a treia zi, Zmeul cel Rau a fost invins.
Road of overseas lasted three seasons: summer, autumn and winter. Finding castle kite, "David" ours was not intimidated by a raging storm that had started on his enemy. It has struggled with kite three days and three nights and the dawn of the third day, the Evil was defeated kite.
Ranit si slabit de putere, feciorul a reusit sa il elibereze pe Soare din temnita unde fusese aruncat. Soarele s-a ridicat pe cer, inveselind pe toti cei care astfel stiau, ca o mare minune s-a intamplat si trezind toata natura la viata.
Wounded and weak power, son managed to free the Sun from prison where he had been thrown. The sun was high in the sky, cheering everyone who knew so that was a great miracle happened and all of nature awakening to life.
Dar tanarul curajos, istovit si grav ranit si-a dat ultima suflare, in timp ce incet, incet zapada se topea… Sangele lui curgea, amestecandu-se cu albul zapezii. De atunci, tinerii rasucesc un fir de ata alb si unul rosu, pentru a nu uita niciodata jertfa savarsita de feciorul curajos, pentru binele semenilor sai. De atunci, acest fir alb-rosu simbolizeaza Forta Binelui, triumfatoare asupra Raului si venirea Primaverii si de aceea ne face placere sa ne bucuram impreuna cu toti cei dragi de acest motiv legendar si de renasterea naturii
But the young brave, exhausted and badly injured he breathed his last, while slowly melting snow ... his blood flowed, mixing with snow white. Since then, young twist a thread white and one red, to never forget the sacrifice committed by brave son, for the good of his fellows. Since then, this red and white thread symbolizes strength Good, triumphant over evil and the coming of spring, so we are pleased to enjoy with all your loved ones this reason legendary and rebirth of nature
Se mai spune ca trebuie sa purtam la mana firul impletit, ca sa fim protejati de spiritele rele, in aceasta perioada cand inca, iarna se mai lupta cu primavara. Iar, atunci cand vedem un copacel inflorit, sa legam martisorul de crengutele sale, impreuna cu o dorinta adanca.
They say you have to wear hand braided wire, to be protected from evil spirits during this period while still winter would struggle with spring. And when we see a little tree flourished, to link its martisorul of twigs, with a deep desire.
Cel mai adesea, fetele si femeile sunt cele care primesc martisoare, dar sunt si unele zone ale tarii, unde primesc martisorul si flacaii. Credem ca este un simbol atat de frumos incat e minunat sa il facem cadou oricui, pana la urma!
Most often, girls and women who receive trinkets, but there are some areas of the country, where they martisorul and boys. We believe it is a symbol so beautiful that it's great gift to anyone we do, after all!