Lampile din sare de Himalaya. Uimitoare beneficii in lupta cu stresul si anxietatea
Lampile cu sare genereaza si elibereaza ioni negativi, care sunt in esenta ioni de oxigen cu un electron suplimentar atasat la acestia. Ionii negativi sunt gasiti in mod natural in aer liber in natura, in special in apropierea raurilor si cascadelor sau a altor surse de apa curgatoare proaspata.
Salt lamps generate and release negative ions, which are essentially oxygen ions with an additional electron attached to them. Negative ions are naturally found outdoors in nature, especially near rivers and waterfalls or other fresh water sources.



Cu milioane de ani in urma a exista o mare situata in nordul Pakistanului. De-a lungul timpului aceasta mare s-a evaportat treptat, treptat, lasand in urma cateva tone de sare de mare cristalizata, care acum este ingropata adanc sub muntii muntosi bogati in minerale.
Ei bine, de aici este scoasa majoritatea sarii roz de Himalaya.
Millions of years ago there was a large sea in northern Pakistan. Over the course of time this sea gradually evolved gradually, leaving behind several tons of crystallized sea salt, which is now buried deep beneath the mountains rich in minerals.
Well, here is the majority of the Himalayan pink salt.
Formarea naturala a straturilor a dus la adaugarea a peste 84 de minerale in sare. Acestea includ cupru, calciu, fier, sulfati, zinc, magneziu si altele. In timp ce minele de sare au fost active timp de sute de ani, beneficiile sarii de Himalaya au devenit cunoscute recent. Un astfel de impact pozitiv pe care sarea il poate oferi este ameliorarea anxietatii - unul dintre cele mai frecvente tipuri de probleme de sanatate din intreaga lume. Asadar, daca va aflati printre milioanele de oameni care sufera de tulburari de anxietate, o lampa de sare de Himalaya chiar poate face minuni.
The natural formation of layers has led to the addition of over 84 minerals in salt. These include copper, calcium, iron, sulfates, zinc, magnesium and others. While salt mines have been active for hundreds of years, the benefits of Himalayan salt have recently become known. Such a positive impact salt can provide is anxiety improvement - one of the most common types of health problems around the world. So if you are among the millions of people suffering from anxiety disorders, a Himalayan salt lamp can even do miracles.
Lampile din sare pot face minuni atat pentru sanatatea ta, cat si pentru casa datorita capacitatii lor naturale de curatare a aerului. Lampile cu sare genereaza si elibereaza ioni negativi, care sunt in esenta ioni de oxigen cu un electron suplimentar atasat la acestia. Ionii negativi sunt gasiti in mod natural in aer liber in natura, in special in apropierea raurilor si cascadelor sau a altor surse de apa curgatoare proaspata.
Atunci cand ii respiram, ei reactioneaza cu corpul nostru si produc efecte pozitive. Ca atare, atunci cand oamenii spun ca se simt mai fericiti, mai linistiti si mai zen in apropierea acestor zone, starea lor este datorata ionilor negativi la care sunt expusi.
Salt lamps can do wonders for both your health and home because of their natural air cleaning capability. Salt lamps generate and release negative ions, which are essentially oxygen ions with an additional electron attached to them. Negative ions are naturally found outdoors in nature, especially near rivers and waterfalls or other fresh water sources.
When we breathe, they react with our body and produce positive effects. As such, when people say they feel happier, quieter, and more zen near these areas, their condition is due to the negative ions they are exposed to.
Lampile cu sare genereaza si elibereaza ioni negativi, care sunt in esenta ioni de oxigen cu un electron suplimentar atasat la acestia. Ionii negativi sunt gasiti in mod natural in aer liber in natura, in special in apropierea raurilor si cascadelor sau a altor surse de apa curgatoare proaspata.
Salt lamps generate and release negative ions, which are essentially oxygen ions with an additional electron attached to them. Negative ions are naturally found outdoors in nature, especially near rivers and waterfalls or other fresh water sources.
Alte abilitati minunate ale ionilor negativi sunt reprezentate de faptul ca acestia neutralizeaza ionii pozitivi; acesta este un lucru benefic pentru noi deoarece ionii pozitivi nu au un efect pozitiv asupra corpului uman. Ionii pozitivi sunt creati si emisi de dispozitive electronice (precum televizorul). Acestea sunt daunatoare si nesanatoase pentru noi si, in timp ce unele persoane sunt mai putin afectate de acestea, altele au alergii, dureri de cap, stres si probleme de somn.
Other wonderful abilities of negative ions are that they neutralize positive ions; this is beneficial to us because positive ions have no positive effect on the human body. Positive ions are created and emitted by electronic devices (such as the TV). These are harmful and unhealthy for us and while some people are less affected by them, others have allergies, headaches, stress and sleep problems.
Avand o lampa de sare in casa ta, poti reduce prezenta ionilor pozitivi in aer, crescand in acelasi timp cantitatea de ioni negativi.
Having a salt lamp in your home, you can reduce the presence of positive ions in the air, while increasing the amount of negative ions.
Lampile de sare sunt cel mai simplu mod de a face aerul pe care il respiri mai curat si pentru a crea instantaneu un mediu mai relaxat. Iata cateva beneficii pentru sanatate pe care oamenii le-au experimentat dupa ce au folosit lampile, care includ ajutor cu:
- durerile de cap, inclusiv migrene;
- stres, tulburari legate de stres;
- alergii, probleme sinusale, raceli;
- atrita, reumatism,
- probleme respiratorii, astm;
- insomnie.
Salt lamps are the easiest way to make the air you breathe cleaner and to instantly create a more relaxed environment. Here are some health benefits that people have experienced after using lamps, including help with:
headaches, including migraines;
- stress, stress-related disorders;
- allergies, sinus problems, colds;
- atriasis, rheumatism,
- respiratory problems, asthma;
- insomnia.
Pentru a obtine cea mai mare putere de vindecare din lampile cu sare, mai multe dintre ele ar trebui sa fie amplasate in casa ta si aproape de dispozitivele electronice. O singura lampa va avea un efect calmant pozitiv. Corpul tau si mintea iti vor multumi... si tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa aprinzi lumina.
To get the most healing power from the salt lamps, many of them should be located in your home and close to electronic devices. A single lamp will have a soothing positive effect. Your body and mind will thank you ... and all you have to do is light up.