

Invataturile lui Buddha raman la fel de valoroase. Cand ne simtim blocati, indurerati, fara energie si curaj este bine sa ne intaorcem sufletele catre marii iluminati ai timpurilor trecute si prezente.
Buddha's teachings remain equally valuable. When we feel stuck, overwhelmed, without energy and courage, it is good to bring our souls to the great enlightened of past and present times.
1. Buddha - Gaseste-ti telul!
1. Buddha - Find your Goal!
“Treaba ta este sa iti descoperi lumea si apoi, cu toata inima sa i te abandonezi.”
"Your job is to discover the world and then with all your heart to abandon it."
2. Buddha - Renunta la furie!
2. Buddha - give up anger !
Sa fii furios e ca si cand ai arunca un carbune incins spre alcineva, dar tu esti acela care se arde. ”
"To be angry is like throwing a burning charcoal on someone else, but you're the one who burns. "
3. Buddha - Actioneaza!
3. Buddha - Act!
"Nu cred in soarta care ii napastuieste pe oameni indiferent de cum se poarta, dar cred in napasta care se napusteste asupra oamenilor daca nu actioneaza."
"I do not believe in the fate that hates people no matter how they behave, but I think in the frost that drips on people if they do not act."
4. Buddha - Rezista!
4. Buddha - Resist!
"Haosul este parte din absolut tot. Rezista cu sarguinta."
"Chaos is part of absolutely everything. It resists with diligence."
5. Buddha - Imparte fericirea ta!
5. Buddha - Share your happiness!
"Mii de lumanari se pot aprinde din una singura, iar viata lumanarii nu se scurteaza. Fericirea nu se imputineaza atunci cand o impartim."
"Thousands of candles can ignite from one, and candle life does not shorten. Happiness does not crumble when we divide it."
6. Buddha - Priveste in interiorul tau!
"Cel mai mare inamic al tau nu iti poate face rau asa cum iti fac gandurile tale nepazite. Dar odata ce devii maestrul lor, nimeni nu nu te mai poate ajuta la fel de tare."
6. Buddha - Look inside you!
"Your greatest enemy can not hurt you as your unconscious thoughts do. But once you become their master, no one can help you any more."
7. Buddha - Fii compasiv!
"Mai bun decat o mie de cuvinte nesincere este doar un singur cuvant care aduce pacea."
7. Buddha - Be Compassionate!
"Better than a thousand insincere words is just one word that brings peace."
8. Buddha - Fii fara frica!
Nici macar moartea nu este de temut pentru acela care traieste intelept
8. Buddha - Be afraid!
Not even death is feared for the one who lives wisely
9. Buddha - Ajuta!
Daca aprinzi o lumina pentru cineva sa stii ca aceasta iti va lumina si tie calea.
9. Buddha - Help!
If you light a light for someone to know that it will light you and tie the way.
10. Buddha - Nu judeca!
In cer nu exista nicio distinctie intre est si vest; oamenii creeaza deosebiri prin mintile lor si pe care mai apoi le considera adevarate.
10. Buddha - Do not judge!
There is no distinction between the East and the West in the sky; people create differences through their minds and then consider them to be true.