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sâmbătă, 24 iunie 2017
5 Natural remedies for constipation and bloating health
5 Remedii naturiste pentru constipatie si balonare
Tulburarile intestinale, meteorismul si constipatia sunt urmari firesti dupa excesele alimentare sau in cazul unei diete saraca in fructe, legume si cereale integrale.
Multe persoane sufera de tulburari intestinale, indiferent de varsta. Cele mai bune remedii in combaterea balonarii si constipatiei sunt cele legate in primul rand de alimentatie.
Cerealele integrale
Se recomanda ca la doua zile sa se consume in locul micului dejun cereale integrale cu lapte. Acestea au un cntinut ridicat de fibre care, hidratate (de aceea se consuma cu lapte) refac miscarile intestinale, retin apa in scaun si sporesc detoxifierea. Totodata cerealele integrale sunt considerate alimente de top impotriva cancerelor de colon
5 Natural remedies for constipation and bloating
Intestinal disorders, meteorism and constipation are a natural consequence of eating excesses or eating a low-fat diet in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Many people suffer from intestinal disorders, regardless of age. The best remedies in fighting bloating and constipation are those related primarily to eating.
Whole grains
It is recommended that two days to eat whole milk cereal instead of breakfast. They have a high fiber content which, hydrated (that is why they are consumed with milk), restores intestinal movements, retains water in the stool and increases detoxification. Also, whole grains are considered top foods against colon cancers
Cateva lingurite de miere pe zi fac minuni pentru digestie, insa atentie, zaharul trebuie exclus din alimentatie. Puteti bea ceaiuri laxative indulcite cu miere pentru un efect rapid, insa ceaiurile laxative nu trebuie consumate pe o perioada lunga de timp.
A few teaspoons of honey a day do wonders for digestion, but caution, sugar must be excluded from eating. You can drink sweetened laxatives with honey for a quick effect, but laxative teas should not be consumed over a long period of time.
Iaurturile contin bacterii probiotice importante pentru reglarea florei intestinale. Astfel efectele consumului de iaurt sunt puternic detoxifiante, reglatoare pentru tranzitul intestinal (fiind utile atat in constipatie cat si in diaree).
The yawns contain probiotic bacteria important for the regulation of the intestinal flora. Thus, the effects of yoghurt consumption are strongly detoxifying, regulating intestinal transit (being useful in both constipation and diarrhea).
Semintele de in
Semintele de in sunt bogate in fibre si in substante cu efect laxativ.
Flax seeds are rich in fiber and in laxative substances.
Frcutele contin vitamine, fibre, o cantitate insemnata de apa si minerale. Ele trebuie consumate in stare proaspata. Se recomanda cateva fructe pe zi pentru a evita constiatia.
Frictions contain vitamins, fiber, a significant amount of water and minerals. They should be eaten fresh. A few fruits are recommended daily to avoid constipation.
Alte recomandari:
- Mancati mai rar carne, de evitat cea de porc. Se recomanda sa consumati carne de pui sau peste. Recomandabile sunt doua mese cu carne pe zi.
- Consumati doi litri de lichide pe zi.
- Masa de fructe trebuie mancata separat de restul meselor, de preferat la o ora intre mese.
Other recommendations:
- Eat less meat, avoid pork. It is recommended to eat chicken or fish. Recommended meals are two meals per day.
- Consume two liters of fluid per day.
- The fruit table should be eaten separately from the rest of the meals, preferably one hour between meals.
