
luni, 5 iunie 2017


Avem tendinta sa uitam cat de minunat este sa fii copil si cat de curajos este sa pastrezi aceasta stare in suflet si pe mai tarziu. Ce minune sa simti ca lumea intreaga este a ta, ca ai aripi, ca poti sa zbori, ca vrei, ca esti indemnat si sprijinit sa o faci. Ce minune sa invingi un balaur care si-a intersectat calea vietii cu drumul tau cu o sabie de lemn, sa nu ai griji, sa nu tii suparari mai mult de cateva secunde, sa umbli cu picioarele goale prin baltoci si sa te crezi pe cea mai cea plaja, sa razi cu gura pana la urechi si cu ochiii hliziti la soare si sa auzi marea cum urla intr-o scoica mititica. We tend to forget how wonderful it is to be a child and how brave it is to keep this state in the soul and later on. What a great thing to feel that the whole world is yours, that you have wings, that you can fly, as you wish, that you are urged and supported to do it. What a miracle to conquer a dragon who has intersected his way of life with your way with a wooden sword, do not worry, do not be angry for more than a few seconds, walk barefoot through the balls and believe the one More to the beach, to laugh with your mouth to the ears and with your eyes hunted in the sun and hear the sea howling in a mythical shell. ADRIAN C. MURRAY un tatic extrem de talentat, artist si fotograf, a reusit sa surprinda magia si inocenta copilariei fotografiindu-si cei patru copii in diverse ipostaze: la joaca, in momente de repaus, printre jucarii, animalute adevarate si de plus, in natura, in confortul si siguranta propriului camin, in momente de pura bucurie, pura curiozitate, pura copilarie. ADRIAN C.MURRAY An extremely talented dad, artist and photographer, was able to capture the magic and innocence of childhood by photographing his four children in various ways: playing in moments of rest among toys, real animals, plus in nature, in comfort And the safety of your own home, in moments of pure joy, pure curiosity, pure childhood.