
joi, 1 iunie 2017

CAKE BIRD MILK -boule de neige recipe

Si, pentru ca astazi toata lumea este copil, propunem o reteta de lapte de pasare. And, because today everyone is a child, we propose a bird's milk recipe. INGREDIENTE NECESARE PENTRU LAPTE DE PASARE: 1 litru lapte 1.5% grasime 3 oua 4 linguri de zahar coaja de lamaie esenta de vanilie sare ingredients 1 liter of milk 1.5% fat 3 eggs 4 tablespoons of sugar Lemon peel vanilla essence salt MOD DE PREPARARE LAPTE DE PASARE: METHOD OF PREPARATION bird's milk- Am pus la fiert laptele cu esenta de vanilie, coaja de lamaie si putina sare (cat iei in 3 degete). In doua castroane am separat albusurile de galbenusuri. Albusurile le-am batut spuma tare, iar peste galbenusuri am adaugat zaharul. In laptele care fierbea la foc mic, am pus (cu ajutorul unei linguri) mici gramajoare de spuma tare de albus. Le-am lasat jumatate de minut, apoi le-am intors si le-am mai lasat la fiert jumatate de minut. Gramajoarele fierte le-am scos intr-un castron cu ajutorului unei spumiere. Dupa ce toata spuma a fost fiarta, am oprit focul si am lasat laptele sa se racoreasca 30 minute. Galbenusurile le-am mixat cateva minute cu zaharul, apoi le-am adaugat in laptele racorit si am amestecat bine. I boiled the milk with vanilla essence, lemon peel and a little salt (as long as you take in 3 fingers). In two bowls I separated the egg whites. We whitened the white foam, and over the yolks I added the sugar. In low-boiling milk, I put (with a spoon) small white ampoules. I left them half a minute, then I went back and let them boil for half a minute. I cooked the boiled gramons in a bowl with the help of a foaming. After all the foam was boiled, I stopped the fire and let the milk cool for 30 minutes. The yolks mixed them for a few minutes with the sugar, then added them to the cooled milk and mixed well. CAKE BIRD MILK OU boule de neige !