HOBBY -PASIUNI : I like beautiful people created : Handmade, painting, photography, architecture, music, wonderful places in the world , food, garden!
luni, 5 iunie 2017
The lucky Talisman according to the zodiac
Pietrele semipretioase aducatoare de noroc in functie de zodia ta iti transfera energia lor, te ajuta sa echilibrezi vibratiile pe care le transmiti in Univers si sa-ti purifici aura, avand totodata efect protector si vindecator. Accesorizeaza-ti tinutele de vara cu o mica bijuterie magica!
Gemstone semiprecious stones, depending on your sign, transfer their energy, help you balance the vibrations you transmit into the Universe and purify your aura, while also having a protective and healing effect. Afford your summer outfits with a small magic jewel!
Hematit – iti induce o stare de calm, te ajuta sa iei decizii la rece, sa-ti stapanesti agresivitatea si gelozia, stimuleaza creativitatea si intuitia, sporeste increderea in propriile forte, te fereste de accidente. Daca porti aceasta piatra te concentrezi mai bine, esti mai echilibrata emotional, atragi dragostea si succesul profesional.
Hematit - Induces a state of calm, helps you to make cold decisions, to master your aggression and jealousy, stimulates creativity and intuition, increases confidence in your own forces, protects you from accidents. If you wear this stone you focus better, you are more emotionally balanced, you attract love and professional success
Jad – aduce intelepciune, disperseaza energiile negative, te ajuta sa te relaxezi cand esti agitata, sa dormi bine, intareste sanatatea si creste longevitatea. Daca porti aceasta piatra scapi de stres si de insomnii, visezi frumos, gasesti cu usurinta solutii in situatiile delicate si esti mai hotarata cand iti pui ceva in gand..
Jade - brings wisdom, disperses negative energies, helps you relax when you are agitated, sleep well, strengthens health and increases longevity. If you wear this stone get rid of stress and insomnia, dream beautiful, find easy solutions in delicate situations and you are more determined when you think something.
Agat – te protejeaza de gandurile negre si de energiile malefice, iti aduce iubire si echilibru in viata intima, iti scoate in cale suflete cu care rezonezi, te ajuta sa-ti controlezi posesivitatea, resentimentele. Daca porti aceasta piatra te simti impacata cu tine si cu ceilalti, ierti mai usor, esti mai toleranta si mai generoasa.
Agat - protects you from black thoughts and evil energies, brings you love and balance in your inner life, brings you in the soul souls you resonate, helps you to control your possessiveness, resentment. If you wear this stone you feel comfortable with yourself and others, forgive yourself more easily, you are more tolerant and generous.