
vineri, 23 iunie 2017

Magical night 23-24 JJune -At night when the heavens open

Noaptea de Sanziene: traditii si obiceiuri in noapte in care "se deschid cerurile" noaptea de 23 spre 24 iunie este una magica, in care toate minunile se pot transforma in realitate. In aceasta noapte, fortele binelui si ale raului se contopesc. Pe 24 iunie romanii sarbatoresc Sanzienele, recunoscute in mitologia populara ca fiind zanele, care plutesc in vazduh si impanzesc pamantul in noaptea de 23 spre 24 iunie. Traditia spune ca in acea noapte cerurile se deschid, iar Sazienele se prind in hora. Cunoscute si sub denumirea de Dragaica, este o sarbatoare a iubirii si fertilitatii, iar tinerele isi pot afla sortitul si ziua in care se vor casatori. In plus, Sanzienele aduc belsug in gospodarii si sanatate celor in suferinta. In traditia populara aceastea sunt reprezentate ca fiind niste tinere foarte frumoase, care canta si danseaza. Acestea au un rol benenefic, ajutand la vindecarea bolnavilor si la protejarea semanaturilor de grindina. Sanzian night: Traditions and customs at night in which "the heavens open"   The night of June 23 to June 24 is a magical one, in which all the miracles can turn into reality. This night, the forces of good and evil merge. On June 24, the Romans celebrate Sanzienele, recognized in folk mythology as the fairies, floating in the air and spreading the earth on the night of June 23 to 24. Tradition says that that night the heavens are opening, and the Sazienas are caught in the mountain. Also known as Dragaica, it is a celebration of love and fertility, and youngsters can find out the lot and the day they will marry. In addition, sanzienele bring wealth in the households and health to the suffering. In folk tradition, they are represented as very beautiful youngsters, singing and dancing. They have a benign role, helping to heal the sick and protect the hailstones.